Spring rush has come to an end and we had an amazing turn out! Phi Chi Theta never fails to get an outstanding number of excited rushees, hoping to gain acceptance into our amazing organization. This semester, we had about 90+ students show interest in our Fraternity, proving to us that they have what it takes to become a member of Phi Chi Theta.
As usual, our fraternity hosted different events, along with behavioral interviews, in order to choose the best potential students to become a part of our family. We started the week off with our Tri Rush Kick-Off event, which gave the rushees a chance to learn more about the rush process and get a little feel for each of the Fraternities, Phi Chi Theta, Alpha Kappa Psi and Delta Sigma Pi. Information Sessions then followed, giving the students an in-depth look at each organization and got them thinking about which fraternity they could see themselves in. Lastly was Speed Dating, where we got to know the rushees on a more personal level, and vice-versa.
Hard work was put in by all the Fraternities in order to get these students to actually find out and become interested in rushing. We started advertising for rush about three weeks before our first event. We tabled outside of Baker and in Copeland, hung up flyers in residence halls and around campus, promoted the event on all of our social medias, and so much more. All of our hard work and dedication most definitely paid off, because we now have amazing pledges that we cannot wait to get to know and introduce to all of the things that Phi Chi Theta has to offer.
As actives, we cannot wait to see how this group of students grows professionally over the course of this semester. We are sure that they have what it takes to become outstanding members. We also have no doubt that, as actives, we have what it takes to prepare them for the rest of their college careers and provide mentorship during the course of their time here at OU and beyond.